Rich Amaral Baseball Camp

"Lets Take It To The Next Level"

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Small Group Instructional Sessions For Players Ages 14 and Older.  These Sessions are Designed to Teach the Advanced Skills in Each of the Following Categories:
  • Middle Infield
  • Corner Infield
  • Outfield
  • Baserunning
  • Hitting


Middle InfieldFour 1 hour sessions.  Four players per session.  Players will learn proper warm up and arm strengthing skills, cover all defensive positioning, responsibilities and techniques.  Also ground balls, pop-ups, tags, double plays, steals, cuts and relays, and slow rollers.     -- $100

Corner Infield:  Four 1 hour sessions.  For 1st and 3rd basemen.  Four players per session.  Players will learn proper warm up and arm strengthing skills.  Along with all defensive responsibilities, positioning and techniques for ground balls, pop-ups, double plays, steals, cuts and relays, and slow rollers.   -- $100

Outfield:  Four 1 hour sessions.  Four players per session.  Players will learn proper warm up and arm strengthing skills.  Along with all defensive positionings, responsibilities and techniques needed for outfield play.   -- $100

School of Thieves:  Four 1 hour sessions.  Four to six players per session.  Players will learn the proper techniques of running the bases.  Getting leads, reading pitchers, stealing, delay stealing, getting out of rundowns, sliding and other tips from Rich that can't be put on paper.  You don't have to be fast to be a good base runner.  -- $100

Hitting:  Four 1 hour sessions.  Three players per session.  Hitting fundamentals, situational hitting, practice and game routines, mental approach and "more" mental approach. -- $125


Call for Reservations (714) 848-8177